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Seminole County Economic Development prepared a Consumer Confidence Survey to gauge our citizens’ feelings and comfort level to return to using our local businesses services. If you are a Seminole County resident, please click on this link to fill out the survey Consumer Confidence Survey.

We would like to share the current results of the survey with you, please click on this link for the latest results Consumer Confidence Survey Results. As people continue to take the survey, the results may also evolve. We will update the results ever Monday, Wednesday and Friday by noon.

This has been a challenging time for everyone, but we are thankful for your partnerships as we provide support to the businesses in Seminole County, in hopes that they will bounce back as strong as ever.

Let us know if there is anything else we can do to partner with you in your efforts.

          The Seminole County Economic Development Team

          Dana Carr & Irma Stenman

Seminole County Office of Economic Development & Community Relations.

1055 AAA Drive, Heathrow, Florida 32746 

Office: 407.665.7135

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