Bob Turk is retiring!
Bob Turk is retiring after spending over 37 years of his career in the field of Community and Economic Development, including working as the director of two countywide chambers of commerce in Georgia and Alabama, several business and economic development organizations, and as a manager with the Tennessee Valley Authority (a quasi-governmental utility partnership encompassing seven states) for 15 years.
Bob is retiring from the City of Sanford after serving as the Economic Development Director for almost 8 years. Prior to joining the City of Sanford, he was the Economic Development Director for the City of DeLand and the Vice-President for Business Development for the Daytona Beach / Halifax Area Chamber of Commerce, and Director of the Business Development Partnership. Mr. Turk was responsible for the recruitment of new business to the region and assisted in the expansion and retention of existing businesses within the region.
In 2000, Bob was selected as the Project Manager and first Associate Director for the Disney / SBA National Entrepreneur Center (NEC) in Orlando, where he coordinated the programs of all inbound international clients and visitors. He previously served as Director for the Metro Orlando Economic Development Commission in both Osceola and Seminole Counties, and the first Economic Development Director for Seminole County, where he was the liaison between county government, local and state economic development agencies, and business and industry. He was responsible for facilitating the retention and expansion of existing businesses and for the attraction of new business to the Central Florida region.
Bob Turk is retiring after spending over 37 years of his career in the field of Community and Economic Development, including working as the director of two countywide chambers of commerce in Georgia and Alabama, several business and economic development organizations, and as a manager with the Tennessee Valley Authority (a quasi-governmental utility partnership encompassing seven states) for 15 years.
Bob is retiring from the City of Sanford after serving as the Economic Development Director for almost 8 years. Prior to joining the City of Sanford, he was the Economic Development Director for the City of DeLand and the Vice-President for Business Development for the Daytona Beach / Halifax Area Chamber of Commerce, and Director of the Business Development Partnership. Mr. Turk was responsible for the recruitment of new business to the region and assisted in the expansion and retention of existing businesses within the region.
In 2000, Bob was selected as the Project Manager and first Associate Director for the Disney / SBA National Entrepreneur Center (NEC) in Orlando, where he coordinated the programs of all inbound international clients and visitors. He previously served as Director for the Metro Orlando Economic Development Commission in both Osceola and Seminole Counties, and the first Economic Development Director for Seminole County, where he was the liaison between county government, local and state economic development agencies, and business and industry. He was responsible for facilitating the retention and expansion of existing businesses and for the attraction of new business to the Central Florida region.
Bob has been very involved in international relations and trade initiatives in Central Florida for over 25 years. He was instrumental in establishing twinning relationships and coordinating trade programs with governmental entities and grassroots organizations in Spain, Ireland, and South Africa for Seminole County. He has served on the Board of Directors of the International Council of Central Florida and WorldOrlando, where he currently serves as President, for over 15 years. Bob is a graduate of the American Chamber of Commerce Institute. Over his long career, he has served on the Board of Directors of the Florida Economic Development Council and the Southern Economic Development Council.